
Time of Mercy Blog


Good Friday - The Mystery of the Cross

" And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up." Not long humankind had to wait for the fulfillment of these words to Nicodemus. Jesus Christ, "being in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross." (cf. Phil 2: 6-8) That is why God exalted him above all things in the mystery of the cross, which became a source of reflection, adoration and contemplation for all humankind.

Today we look in a special way on the Cross of Christ - the mystery of God's love. We humbly stand in front of it and contemplate it, because we believe that it proclaims our victory, it outlines the hope of life. For the Son of Man was lifted up on the cross, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.

We believe in the Son of Man, we are His disciples, and we remember the words:"Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." (cf. Mt 16:24) Thus, facing the mystery of Christ's cross, we touch the mystery of our cross, which is an expression of the greatest love, associated with renunciation, enormous suffering (not only physical), self-denial, and often also with death. And there is no alternative for us. There is no longer room for a stake with a copper snake at the top, as it was in the days of Moses. There is a place for a cross that you must carry on your shoulders every day. You must break the narrow patterns of human thinking and enter the logic of faith, the logic of the cross, which shows that losing your life is actually finding it. It is only necessary, or even so, to follow Christ in his cross!

During World War II, a small Town - Wizna in Poland was destroyed by German air raids. Among the ruins there is also a parish church. Next to it was a figure of Christ on the cross. However, it was devoid of arms and legs. After the war, people gathered to rebuild the church. They also wanted to restore the figure of Christ, but the pastor, an elderly priest, insisted not to change or restore the figure. Of course, people did not want to agree to it, they were surprised, they considered it nonsensical, but the priest remained with his opinion. Moreover, he had the inscription carved under the figure: “Now I have neither arms nor feet. From today on, you will be my arms and feet to carry the cross, and thus help and comfort the wounded world.” How perfectly that priest understand the logic of the cross. What was meaningless from a human point of view was for him so simple and obvious because it resulted from deep faith.

We must carry the cross, which will always be a symbol of God's love for man. If a man in the cross notices love - humble, patient, obedient until death, and not the pseudo-love proposed by the world in the light of colorful newspapers, cheesy films or commercial products of bazaar art, then he will discover the secret of the cross. The loss of loved ones, loneliness, illness, unemployment are the moments when you need to touch the mystery of the cross. This is not easy. Each of us has often complained about our daily cross. We rebelled, we lacked words, because we had to change our plans again, give up our ambitions. And maybe we were even right, but somewhere in all this the truth of the cross was missing, maybe there was a lack of faith. And only the man of faith carries the cross, as Christ is ready to make any sacrifice.

And such people are among us. They discovered the depth of the cross and they go through the world in humility, meekness, without complaints or pretensions. We all need to be able to notice them to be confirmed in faith and like they, follow Christ. It is necessary to give a true witness to the life-giving power of the cross, day after day overcoming the sin of selfishness and all evil.

Saint Pope John Paul II on June 10, 1999, he said: “The modern world needs people rooted in the cross of Christ and ready to make sacrifices for it. The cross that connects heaven with earth with its arms, and people between them. The Cross that gives birth to new and brave evangelizers and believers who love the Church and are responsible for her, true heralds of faith, a generation that will light the torch of faith and bring it burning to the third millennium. "

On Calvary, two other crosses stood next to the cross of Christ. There was an enormity of suffering on both. The bad thief's cross, however, remained nothing but torment, "pure" suffering, wasted effort. The cross of the good thief was such an experience of suffering that it led to transformation and reconciliation. But it happened because the good thief looked with love at the crucified Jesus.

The Cross of Christ is "the only hope" for those who are suffering, harassed, and weary - indeed for all people. For there is no man who would not experience pain, physical or spiritual, coming from the world, or the pain that he inflicts on himself. A pain that is culpable and not, as in the case of the biblical Job. In fact, there is no life without sacrifice, austerity, toil, effort, suffering. Everyone on earth carries his/her cross. Bigger or smaller, such as it can carry, as it is intended for him/her. Regardless of whether he/she is a believer or not, no matter how he/she understands this cross and how he/she accepts it, what is his attitude towards it.

Without the cross of Christ, human suffering remains inexplicable, senseless, as if worthless. Apart from God, it is difficult to face cross. That is why it is worth looking with love at Christ's cross, adoring it and finding the meaning of our suffering in it.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski