All who touched Him (Mk 6:53-56)
Today in the Gospel we read about many healings that people experience through Jesus. We are reading: They scurried about the surrounding country and began to bring in the sick on mats to wherever they heard he was. Everywhere Jesus was, the sick were brought there ... Everyone wanted Him to heal them. The Evangelist writes further: Whatever villages or towns or countryside he entered, they laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged him that they might touch only the tassel on his cloak. Wherever he went, the sick were healed. Not only that: as many as touched him they were healed. All those who touched Him were healed.
Jesus heals even today. Miracles happen every day. Jesus wants to heal each of us. He wants everyone to come out of the meeting with Him transformed. But - someone will say - why is this not happening? There are so many different prayer services for healing, meetings with charismatics. And yet only some people are healed ... I think the key phrase here is: All who touched Him ... Maybe the problem is that not all of them touch Jesus. And it is not about some physical touch, it is not about touching Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, in adoration and prayer for healing. (Though there is nothing wrong with this form of piety). It is about clinging to Jesus with the heart. Touch Him spiritually. Attune our heart with his. To be filled with faith that He can heal us. If we rely solely on our strength, our knowledge, as long as we keep rationalizing ... There will be no miracle.
Yes, Jesus heals in unusual ways. On the pages of the Gospels, we read about His gestures, symbolic activities (such as putting mud on the eyes, etc.), but it is not a gesture, not an action that heals. Jesus is above all. He does not want to be confined within the narrow framework that we place for Him, asking for healing.
Sometimes God wants to show us something through our illness. He wants to show that His plan is better than ours. Healing sometimes comes from a completely different side than it seems. Sometimes a physical illness is not healed, but the spirit is healed ... the soul is healed. One thing is important ... The Lord works powerfully and on his own way. And if you touch Him ... If you cling to Him with all your heart ... Be sure that you will recover. How? Leave to him the answer to this question.
Until tomorrow
fr. george