Do you see anything? (Mk 8:22-26)
The one who created the world and who raised the deceased four days after the funeral could certainly restore sight to a blind man immediately. It is for our understanding that Jesus preformed this healing in few stages.
When the Lord Jesus first opened the eyes of a blind man, he saw people as if they were walking trees. Because someone can even have the eyes of a falcon and be spiritually blind. You can see clearly even from two kilometers away, and not see people: not see their joys or sorrows, not notice their bitter loneliness, their fears or the threats they find themselves in. Man, then looks at people as if he were looking at trees; A spiritually blind man looks at people and trees in the same way.
That is why the Lord Jesus opens the eyes of the blind a second time: so that he may not only see but be able to look with love. We all undoubtedly need this second healing.
Let us take a closer look at this healing
1. They brought to Him. The senses allow us to explore the world. They make it possible for us to tame it, to feel safe in it. When one of them does not fulfill its function, our perception of the world becomes poorer, we are exposed to more damage, we lose our self-confidence. When the loss of a sense is associated with an illness, we are lucky if we can count on the help of our loved ones. The blind from today's gospel had people around him who wanted his good. They could not restore his sight, but they did what they could - they brought him to Jesus. It is possible that he would not have come to Him. But he let himself be led - he trusted. Who to me is the kind of person I can count on in a moment of darkness? Who prays for me, supports me in difficult times, leads me to Jesus?
2. He led him outside. Despite the best willingness to help, there must have been something about the people who brought the blind man, that their presence was not healing for him. Healing had to take place outside the village. Jesus himself took him by the hand and led him. I want to imagine it - close my eyes, feel Jesus' hand in my hand ... where does He want to lead me from? What prevents me today from finding my senses, seeing the world clearly? Am I ready to trust Him?
3. He sent him home. After being healed which happen in stages, Jesus sends the man home. And he stipulates not to enter the village. It is at home, among his own people, that he is to start getting to know the world, learning it anew. He must start with himself and with what he observes about himself, not with lessening opinion “in the countryside.” He is already coming back different. A profound encounter with Jesus, held in private, brings him back and he can use all his senses. How does this scene make me feel? Do I feel like I need to move out from somewhere? Am I at home every day - in myself, close to my senses? Or maybe some of them are failing recently and need a touch of Jesus? Maybe I lack sensitivity? Today I can ask Jesus for it ...
Until Tomorrow
fr. george